Mik Zenon – Amazon and Social Media Influencer
Hello, my name is Mik and I am a social media influencer in the Amazon Affiliate Space. Having always been interested in innovative products and unique gadgets I have gained a following of over 6 Million people by sharing my favorite finds each day.
I am driven by my desire to find, curate, and share novel practical products in a playful way that often reflects my sense of humor. However, it wasn’t too long into my journey as an influencer that I felt the need to add more value to my followers. I began receiving discount codes from Amazon sellers and thought what better way to add value than to help people save money!
My obsession with finding unique gadgets now had competition – sharing the very best deals and keeping more money in people’s pockets! My team and I spend hours sifting through these exclusive deals to curate discounts that range from cleaning supplies and grocery items to household furniture. I hope you get a thrill from seeing and taking advantage of these deals as much as I do!